File uploads

The Ultimo REST API is able to receive file uploads. There are two ways to send files:

  • Sending multipart/form-data content

  • Using Base64 encoded strings in the request body

For both options, it is required to create a specific workflow in Ultimo by a consultant to process these requests correctly.

It is recommended to send files using multipart/form-data format. Using Base64 encoding increases the file size by approximately 33%, resulting in larger payloads and additional processing time. Additionally, multipart/form-data supports transmitting larger files (see Limits and Quotas).

Example of a multipart/form-data request

curl --location "" ^
--header "applicationelementid: 99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999" ^
--header "apikey: 99999999999999999999999999999999" ^
--form "File=@C:/temp/Manual.pdf" ^
--form "JobId=123456789"

An example of how to use base64 in requests can be found here.

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