Error handling
Last updated
Last updated
Professional Premium Enterprise
Sending a request to Ultimo Business Integration will return an HTTP response status code. A list of all status codes can be found here. One important thing to remember: a 200 OK response does not mean that the request was successfully handled by Ultimo. It only means that the request was received successfully by the API. Whenever a request is successfully received, it will be processed separately afterwards. Details of possible errors will be returned in the response body.
200 OK
, Ultimo has received the web request successfully and tried to process it. Details of the processing results are returned in the response body.
400 Bad Request
, Ultimo is not able to process the request due to an apparent client error. This usually means there is a malformed request syntax.
401 Unauthorized
, Ultimo is not able to match the specified authentication parameters
404 Not found
, the used endpoint is probably incorrect
500 Internal Server Error
, a generic error that can be caused by many different problems. Depending on the failure, the response body might contain detailed information.
When processing of a request fails, the response body will contain detailed information on what went wrong. These error messages are returned in a fixed format and cannot be customised.