Additional security

For cloud customers on Azure, additional security is available for import and export connectors. Without additional security measures, anyone in possession of a valid and authorised username/password combination is able to connect to the API endpoint.

IP filtering

It is possible to add IP range validations per import or export connector. Use '-' to allow everything in between and ';' to use multiple ranges. Keep in mind: this is a whitelist. All IP addresses not on the whitelist will not be able to connect.

Support for both IPv4 and IPv6 address range validation is available. When only one of them is filled, the other is completely blocked. Example: when IPv4 is filled, no one can connect with a IPv6 address.

Note: IP filtering on import or export connectors have no relation with IP filtering options for logging on to the Ultimo application.

Client certificates

It is possible to specify a certificate thumbprint per connector. The client connecting to the connector endpoint should always send the certificate that meets the certificate thumbprint on the connector when sending a request.

When a certificate thumbprint is used on a connector, the URL of the connector endpoint is different than without a client certificate. Instead of using the standard URL:

Use the following URL:

A cUrl command example of sending a request with a client certificate:

curl --cert C:\temp\ssl\client.crt --key c:\temp\ssl\client.key "[username]&password=[password]&action=export&exportname=[exportconnectorname]"

Note: client certificates are only used when clients connect to the Ultimo connector. If the Ultimo connector calls a third-party webservice, client certificates are not applicable.

Last updated